State Advocacy

APTA Louisiana has a very active Legislative Committee who are PT professionals dedicated to protecting and promoting the best interests of your profession in the State of Louisiana.

What is the PT-PAC?

The Physical Therapists Political Action Committee (PT-PAC) is a valuable way to connect to the legislative process in the state of Louisiana. The PT-PAC allows us to aid legislators, both Republicans and Democrats, who have similar views and understanding of issues important to our profession. A strong and healthy PAC is necessary to protect and advance the Physical Therapy profession in the state of Louisiana. Please take action to help our goal of protecting the profession by donating today.

Donate to the PT-PAC Online

Text PAC to 225-263-4510 to Donate to the PT-PAC via text.

There are many ways to support our Advocacy Efforts

Volunteer as a Key Contact
It is important to form good relationships with Representatives all over the state. If you are interested in becoming a key contact for the Representative in your area, please contact us at [email protected] for more information. 

Provide Patient Testimonials
There is no better way to convey the importance of Physical Therapy than from the patient's point of view. If you have a patient that is willing to share their experience on how Physical Therapy has positively impacted their way of life, please contact us. Please keep in mind that confidentiality will be maintained. 

Volunteer at Day at the Capitol  
APTA Louisiana hosts an Annual "PT Day at the Capitol" which provides a great opportunity to meet face to face with Legislators at the Capitol during regular session to discuss important issues and gain support for our profession.