Coaching Our Patients: How to Instruct for Long Term Success

Speaker(s): Ryan “R.T.” Hill, PT, DPT, OCS
Niraj Vora, PT, DPT

CE Hours: 1

Having operated in a cash based system with a niche clientele for the past four years, The Stride Shop has had to shift away from a traditional treatment program. Because we see our patients one to two times per month, we have to maximize patient understanding of motor concepts, develop long term plans that can be executed by the patient, and speak in terms that capture patient “buy-in.” Coaching has become an essential part of our practice. This course is meant to provide an outline of how we operate in this bubble of physical therapy, and to coach skills that can be implemented immediately by your clients resulting in better long term outcomes.

Discounted member price: 25.00
You could save: 28.6%

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